As a vegetarian one gets always confronted with the same question: “why don’t you eat meat?”. The documentary “Karnivoren” reverses this question for once to four confident carnivores, who are trying to explain, why they are still eating meat. The results of these interviews where taken out of context and formed to an animation short, which is in the end more a statement, then a documentation.
The movie was made as part of the interdisciplinary modul “Fette Beute” at the Lucerne School of Arts and Design in 2018 and finished in summer 2020.
animated Short
Schweizer Jugendfilmtage 2021
Upcoming Filmmakers 2021
a film by
Noah Erni
David Mägerle, Isidor Happacher
Noah Erni
HSLU Design&Kunst, Modularbeit aus dem Studienbereich IDA 2018